My online "boyfriend" scammed me!

Alice is 33. And, she has been trying to find love. As we are the first generation to do online dating, she was a bit reluctant at the beginning. But after everyone's insistence, she gave it a go. “One of the worse mistakes she’s ever done.”

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Rebeka Smyth
When someone you love betrays you…

How can you face the world, when that person who is supposed to care for you betrays you or gives you their back

The shock of facing that particular situation can mark you for life. –When you find out your mom/dad has another family, your best friend talks behind your back, or she's sleeping with your boyfriend…

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Rebeka Smyth Comment

It's been a while since I have written something for the blog, and I'm sorry for it. There hasn't been one reason in particular, but many. Someone very dear to me hit rock bottom. And I don't necessarily want to say who or how, so I'm just going to say this. It breaks my heart to see her destroy herself. She's young, gorgeous, with the biggest heart, lovely, but to her, that's not enough.

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Rebeka Smyth Comment
Judgement, the easy way out.

Have you ever said "I would never do that", "I could never be with someone like that", "No way I should ever tolerate that"? If you have, you are one of mine. But also like hundreds of thousands of women that promise themselves not to be like a, b, or c, and end up being like just like a, b or c.

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Rebeka Smyth
Living in uncertainty

What makes our problems, problems? The actual situation, or what we think of the situation? Maybe both, maybe at times what we believe is a problem is not actually one, but we perceive it as such, or maybe yes it's a terrible situation that requires your full attention…

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Rebeka Smyth
Why we don't like needy men?

I know I'm always encouraging you to be honest about what you truly feel, but if what you are about to say will harm him, then wait a sec. Women, we are funny creatures. No matter how much we like a guy, if there's any indication that he's a tic needy, we run for the hills.

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Rebeka Smyth
LISTEN, your body is telling you something...

When we become oblivious to negative emotions we get sick. Maybe for you, it’s just a cold or something more severe like cancer, perhaps addiction to food, drugs or alcohol. Did you know your brain registers physical pain in the same way as psychological pain? Each emotion happens to have an energetic fingerprint, it’s a unique vibrational signature attached to that particular feeling. 

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Rebeka Smyth
Past pain, DRAMA trigger.

And this is why it's important to control our Emotional Bitch. This past weekend a friend of mine went through hell… While travelling through Europe, she met a handsome and as she categorized him a "lovely guy"… Over the weekend she didn't like his behaviour, and her EB took over….

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Rebeka Smyth
Why women in big cities can't find LOVE?

What if I end up alone? The what-if question that makes most humans shit our pants… Love, although you may believe is an act of faith, is also an act of luck. If you live in a big city, let's say London, NY, Miami, Mexico City or LA, well, the somewhat called "luck" reduces significantly.

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Rebeka Smyth
WHEN everything looks dark

"I cannot get out of bed. The one person who took care of me died", Joan told me while sobbing over the phone. Her father passed away a couple of months back, and his death triggered other emotions in Joan that she was not aware of. Emotions she was responsible for…

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Rebeka Smyth Comments
I'm SEXY, RICH, 30 and SINGLE!

"Am I the incarnation of Bridget Jones?"… "Well, I'm 33, I'm in my prime I mean look at me, sexier than ever, I kill myself in spinning classes, all to look like this… there has to be something wrong with me… when I like a guy, he disappears on me!”

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Rebeka Smyth
Detach from the outcome

OMG, I think one of the toughest decisions I've had to take so far in my life is whether I renew my employment contract or not. For the past three months, I've been going on and on about it, -even though my wedding and honeymoon-.

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Rebeka Smyth
Transcend your mistakes.

How easy or difficult is for you to accept your mistakes? The truth is that it doesn't matter how you've decided to deal with your mistakes, they are in the past, and there is nothing you can do to change them. But, today you can….

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Rebeka Smyth
Why women cheat more?

The number of women cheating while being in a serious relationship continues to grow. Lately, I have heard more stories of women cheating than men, and statistics prove it…

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Rebeka Smyth