If he doesn’t call within the first 24 hrs. -He won’t call at all!


One of the most wonderful moments of my single life was the exhilarating thrill of the first date. For women going out on a first date, is like preparing for war. 

To go over the plan of attack, we need the advice of the council -our closest friends-. So many details to go through, like where should the battle take place? -My house, his house, restaurant, bar, movies?-. What time is the offence? -Day or night, full-on exposure or we leave something to the imagination of the enemy?- What type of armour should we wear -conservative, fancy, classy, chic, sexy, slutty?- 

Once we have all the details in place, we go on the actual date; nothing is as we imagined it, but that's okay, we still have time -during the date-, for a bit more analysis. We go through everything, from his wardrobe choice to the way he eats, the way he carries himself, how confident he is, if he gets the bill, even his level of chivalry.  

Now that the date is over, with the help of our most trusted advisors, we dissect the battleground. We go through everything, what he said or did not say, what we said, if he mentions what his future plans are, how interested in a Queen is he? Bottom line, we want to know, if he believes we are a worthy enemy to keep on battling with.

If we had a hell of a time with "this enemy", stage two of the plan falls into place — time to conquer or should I say, pretend the enemy is conquering us, -that itself is another post, stay tunned-.

But, and there is a big but ladies if he is going to play the conquering game, we need to know first if he is interested. And, the only way we will know he is, is if he reaches out to us after the first or second date.  

The truth is, every man is different, but statistically if he hasn't called you within 24 hours after a date then there's only a 12% chance he ever will. 

Men are very pragmatic, the typical male behaviour is falling head over heels, and they will be willing to do anything for the attention of a worthy enemy -for him this is-. We want to admit it or not, men are wired in a very primal way, -some of them are more rational, and they won't mind if you reach out-, but most of them they are still instinctive, so they want to feel is up to them to conquer the lady. 

So, if he doesn't reach out, ask yourself how much you really like him, before you reach out to him. Make sure is not your ego making you act; to know, read: “Honesty + - Ego= Power”. 

If you still believe he might be worth the fight, before you do anything give yourself time, then reach out, but promise yourself that no matter what the answer of the guy is, you won't let yourself be put down. 

Don't justify his behaviour; if he didn't reach out, he's not interested. 

Remember there are tons of enemies out there waiting to be conquered. Whatever you do, do not panic. 

With love, 


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