When someone you love betrays you…


How can you face the world, when that person who is supposed to care for you betrays you or gives you their back

The shock of facing that particular situation can mark you for life. –When you find out your mom/dad has another family, your best friend talks behind your back, or she's sleeping with your boyfriend, your boyfriend is married, your parents turn their back on you, your kids don't want you in their life anymore, or your sister slept with your ex, and she's having a baby with him. And you might have your own story. 

But that is precisely what happened to Sarah, who has a younger sister. Not long ago, she found out her sister is having a baby with her ex, from a couple of years back. The sensation of betrayal doesn't come from her sleeping with him; it comes from how Sarah's sister managed the situation. To cover her guilt, she made it look as if her behavior and the situation was 100% a regular thing, and now Sarah has to leave with accepting the "normal situation"  without saying a word or disappear from her sister's and new nephew's life. Among her parent's life, as they are now thrilled to have the first baby in the family, so they are backing up Sarah's sister all the way. 

When we find out we've been betrayed, our immediate reaction tends to be disbelief, anger, rage, sadness, grief, and maybe oppression, but it doesn't take long before we want revenge. –Unless you are mother Teresa, then perhaps you wish them well. But, most humans, we suppress/bury our emotions until they pop up, and end up behaving like a proper Emotional Bitch, –which we all do at some point. 

The truth is, unless you deal with those emotions properly, I guarantee you, they will begin to pile up until one day is not occasionally when your Emotional Bitch takes control of your behavior but will become more of a way of living.  

And how can you deal with betrayal then? As I mention in my book, you need to work on forgiveness and by dealing with that person that harmed you. I know this is not what you want to hear, because it falls into your side of the court, but although it is not your fault you are in this situation right now, it is still 100% your responsibility to get yourself out of it. And the best way to get out of it is by forgiving. 

If it's too early to forgive, don't worry, just don't think of revenge, think something positive about that person, if you can't only don't wish them wrong, and, with time, maybe you will be able to. Eventually, you will realize that nothing is worth your peace of mind, and no one should have the power to own it. By carrying that baggage of revenge, you are carrying a time bomb that has the potential to harm future relationships. 

If you are keen to go further on the process of forgiveness, I recommend you to read the book  "Emotional Bitch- A path to Emotional Consciousness."

With love,


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